Saturday 18 May 2024

Last Thoughts - My Final Reflection

While completing this assessment, I’ve been surprised at how relevant the activities and topics have been to my current role as a librarian for young adults at a regional public library.

The first task I embarked on was related to digital resources. Although I work as a youth librarian, part of my role is to run programs for a local disability support group. Struggling to find something enjoyable for the higher functioning members of the group, I asked if they were interested in learning 3D modelling given that they had an interest in 3D printing. I learned how to use Tinkercad as one of my professional development activities and just last week, I finally had the opportunity to share my newfound 3D modelling skills. I felt intimidated as I had forgotten a lot of what I had learned, but I took heart in knowing that I need not be an expert at every program I run, it is appropriate to say that you don’t know and assure your participant that you will work it out together (Mitchell et al., 2020, p. 8). In fact, this type of learning by discovery can actually stimulate learning more efficiently as we need to engage and interact with a topic in order to process information (Mitchell et al., 2020, p. 7). I suspect that might actually be the entire point of this particular assessment…

My second professional development task was writing a book review while considering the topic of children’s book awards. Completing this task made me consider what makes a good book and what I should be considering when selecting books for my workplace. Is supposed literary merit the best indicator of what young people want to read? Research indicates that teenagers choose books for a variety of reasons, including peer inclusion, relaxation and escapism (Wilkinson et al., 2020, p. 160). Doing this task has inspired me to find out why the young people in my community read to help guide my selections in future.

The third task became relevant at work as I was asked to participate in a discussion on diversity in the workplace. I was able to use several of the ideas that I got from the webinar that I watched for the topic of diversity on queer affirming programs in the library, such as recommending gender neutral signage for toilets and queer signifiers such as pride flags to indicate that the library and, more broadly, Council is a safe place for queer people (cslpreads, 2022).

The final task I completed related to censorship. While I was undertaking research for the blog post, the news broke of the Cumberland City Council same-sex parent book ban (Cassidy & Rose, 2024). Having started research, I definitely felt better equipped to understand why censorship is harmful, and that in fact, a lack of representation of diverse perspectives leads to a lack of empathy within society (Pickering, 2023, p. 38).

In closing, all of the topics that I’ve considered for this blog and the professional development activities that I have undertaken have had relevance to my role within the timeframe of this unit. This reiterates to me how important continuing my studies is to help me to become a better youth librarian. Onward and upward!



Cassidy, C., & Rose, T. (2024, May 7). Sydney council bans same-sex parenting books from libraries for ‘safety of our children’. The Guardian.

cslpreads. (2022, December 8). Inclusive and affirming library programs for LGBGTQIA+ youth [Video]. YouTube.

Mitchell, B., Ratcliffe, C., & LaConte, K. (2020). STEAM learning in public libraries: a “guide on the side” approach for inclusive learning. Children & Libraries, 18(3), 7-10.

Pickering, G. (2023). "Harmful to minors": How book bans hurt adolescent development. The Serials Librarian, 84(1-4), 32-45.

Wilkinson, K., Andries, V., Howarth, D., Bonsall, J., Sabeti, S., & McGeown, S. (2020). Reading during adolescence: why adolescents choose (or do not choose) books. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 64(2), 157-166.


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Last Thoughts - My Final Reflection

While completing this assessment, I’ve been surprised at how relevant the activities and topics have been to my current role as a librarian ...